Welcome, to Taku for Two
Alaska VHS Archiving + other physical media digitization

Welcome to our Neocity Website
We are based in Juneau and digitize media we come across. In many cases, there are few copies of southeast TV from the 90's to the 2000's online; this is sad since there is lots of awesome Alaskan media out there to be archived and shared. Enjoy being a part of an adventure to archive pieces of Alaska history, whether it be audio, visual, or both!


- 1/10/2025 -
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2025 - Looking forward to some updates and changes this year to this website. If you follow the channel you'll know we've been busy bees lately with all sorts of projects. Updates to our digitization equipment, amazing new local finds, a further expansion into 8mm, analog video production, as well as music. We're so thankful for almost a full year now of doing this, sharing what we love with our community, moreover all the amazing connections we're starting to make locally and afar. Looking forward to another fun year of seeing what we can cataloge, save, and share with you all!
- 8/9/2024 -
Alrighty, some of you may have heard or seen the news about the flooding here in Juneau. We are extremely fortunate (this time) and the Taku-TV at home studio is dry and secure. Our Neighboors need help and support at this time though. Ways to help and or ways to recieve help are available on the CBJ Website HERE. Approximately just over 100 homes were impacted and many families are affected a number of different ways. We saw the water on our own street the next morning and could hear the river raging through the night. We're at a loss of exact words to describe all the emotions we've felt this week ... but, the out pouring of support our community and state have shown is incredible and hopeful
This is informal footage we shot on MiniVHS with JVC handheld Camcorder from the 2000s of some of the event and aftermath near the Kaxdiguwoo and Brotherhood Bridge Trail
- 6/20/2024 -
Community Connections! Alrighty, just wanted to say we're happy to announce our first Live Stream went well and we're excited to continue our programming :) Please tune in Sundays at 7pm AKST for Taku TV! Stay up to date with a Juneau Community Calendar scrawl w/ local music from Alaskan artists, as well as special programming including commercials, bumpers, as well as new and old episodes of Southeast Alaskan TV specials. All the scanner sections are even made using a key generator with our original Panasonic WJ-MX20 mixer board~! Fun way to relive and revive some classic community cable programming
- 5/28/2024 -
Of course we took the Soviet Radio with us, haha~!
Chugging Along here! Getting the site ready for link and launch to our Channel ~ Just had to take a good 10 day break from life. It was really fun to visit where one of us did some growing up; and of course while we were there we managed to find a few fun Hawaii Tapes as well as some older tech like a proper tape rewinder and a Walkman of sorts. Shoutout to Antique Alleyway in Honolulu!
- 5/14/2024 -
This webpage is still very much underconstruction as this is our first time doing somthing like this, outside of modding Fallout New Vegas and trying to integrate Tumblr themes back in the day
We hope to have some additional links working soon and the tabs up above. Would love to use this page for additional content and posts for/about our channel as well as some digital artwork. Stay tuned and thanks for coming along with us on this wacky journey. For the type of work and hobby we do this seemed like the perfect place to join
Have a question or want to share somthing with us?
Shoot us an email at: takufortwo@gmail.com